Yoga and meditation have a profound effect on the body and mind of a person. Established around the breath, these practices help to deal with the pain and discomfort of various illnesses of the mind and body. If you are looking for expert Yoga and meditation guidance, our team at Sthirta Yoga Studio is happy to help. We provide the best healing meditation classes in Lajpat Nagar to interested individuals who wish to embrace happiness, peace and relief from illness.

How Yoga and Meditation Help Chronic Illness?

Induces Emotional Wellness

Yoga and meditation have a special effect on the mind as it helps achieve silence from the noise inside our heads. The mind and the body are well-connected. Because of this, attaining emotional wellness helps you deal with your physical pain more strongly.


Decreases Inflammation

Meditation is one of the best methods to reduce inflammation in the cells of our body. Research suggests that inflammation triggers a pain response in the body, causing the person to feel discomfort. When the inflammation rate goes down, the body can heal quicker.


Improves Circulation

Practicing Yoga poses and meditation regularly helps stabilize every bodily function, primarily circulation. Enhanced circulation provides an adequate oxygen supply to cells for nourishment. Healthy cells imply a smoothly functioning body that is free from diseases.


Corrects Hormonal Imbalances

Yoga and meditation are also linked to correcting the imbalances of hormones in our body. Hormones play a critical role in how a person’s body functions, and ups and downs in certain hormones cause various issues.


Improves Digestion and Sleeping

The food we eat has to be properly processed so that we get the energy to live life. Similarly, sleep plays a crucial role in preventing several diseases. However, in recent times, due to unhealthy lifestyle changes, both digestion and sleeping have become worse for most people. Performing Yoga and meditation daily can help bring these systems back to normal and ensure good health.

Features of our healing yoga and meditation classes

Experienced Teachers

The nature and care requirements for chronic illness differ from one another, and it is necessary to have thorough knowledge about the condition before deciding on the perfect Yoga or meditation routine. As one of the best Yoga and meditation classes in South Delhi, our teaching team is highly experienced in helping you with your condition.


Flexible And Convenient Timings

At Sthirta Yoga Studio, we have different online and offline Yoga class slots for interested individuals. In addition, you can join our private or group Yoga classes at a time convenient to you, and we can guide you through the best way to find relief from chronic illnesses.


Customized Training

Our expert coaching team understands that a person dealing with a chronic illness requires individualized attention and support. So, we first attempt to learn in detail about your condition and suggest a suitable Yoga and meditation routine for you which will help you cope with the illness and get quick relief. This makes us one of the top healing Yoga classes in Lajpat Nagar.